
Celebrating Success: VA Competition Finalist I walked out to get the mail

I walked out to get the mail this evening. It was dark already and the Christmas Lights still gleamed. I knew the Post Office has been playing catch up and getting mail late wasn't unexpected.

What was unexpected was a letter from the VA in Cheyenne. My address on it was handwritten instead of computer generated, and that got my attention. I opened it when I went back in. The words surprised me:

"Congratulations," It read, "on being selected as a finalist at the Cheyenne VA National Veterans...

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The Impact of Dr. Lynn Weldon on My Life - An incredible educator Picture

Picture it. 1974.

A young cowboy is trying to figure out what to do with himself for the rest of his life.

So, like so many of his peers he goes to college.

That young cowboy, of course, was me. I enrolled in then Adams State College (now Adams State University). I wanted to take a degree in astronomy and physics. So went through it and I did.

But the best classes I took were the ones that had nothing to with my degree.

I took tons of psychology and sociology classes to help keep the old GPA up...

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